020 8998 3707
Personal Care and Support Services
Our Services  Support Services  Specialist Occupational Therapy  Forgetfulness and Memory
Forgetfulness and Memory Difficulties with memory can mean a worrying time especially if it is accompanied by a loss of the sense of safety that we usually enjoy in our own homes. Memory loss can occur for a variety of reasons, not only following the diagnoses of dementia, or brain injuries like a stroke, but also from the normal ageing process or during periods of unusual stress. Often an event like a relative found wandering in the street causes people to seek help and support. Though often the concern has been growing over some and is triggered by a worrying event. Memory loss can cause a number of difficulties including: Forgetting to eat at mealtimes. Difficulty managing medication Forgetting what you went to the shops for. Forgetting where you parked the car. Getting lost when walking or driving. Confusion or forgetfulness regarding the identity of friends neighbors or family. Dependability Care Our staff are kind and caring and fully trained to help you incorporate our Occupational Therapists techniques and solutions into your daily routine.
If your concern has been triggered by your own lapses of memory, or you have a parent who regularly leaves the gas on or forgets to take medication, our experienced, unobtrusive and sensitive occupational therapy assessment can be the first step towards ensuring you receive the reassurance and help you need. The earlier the intervention the more helpful the outcome. How we can help We will complete an Occupational Therapy Assessment and provide you with a detailed report with recommendations. Our experienced Occupational Therapist will identify memory difficulties in conjunction with you and your family. We will suggest a number of interventions and solutions specifically for your needs, that are known to help when people experience memory problems. We can provide: Routine Support Memory aids Home safety advice A memory management programme, involving six weekly sessions with an occupational therapist to provide you or your family or carer with the skills to maintain and, where possible, improve your memory function. Strategies to recognise people and places Techniques to help with orientation in the present moment. Telecare It is necessary to consider any ethical implications before you choose to install some kinds of Telecare equipment, which has the potential to limit a person’s choice, freedom or privacy. Telecare can have substantial benefits, and enhance safety, dignity and independence. We can assist you in deciding whether this is the best solution for you. Our Aim Our aim is to help you remain independent in your own home, managinjg your everyday life confidently by providing flexible and practical solutions.
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